I walked into a shop in the Northern Quarter and my heart started palpitating, my stomach filled with butterflies and my palms were sweating… I had just lost my ThunderEgg virginity.

“Why haven’t I done this before?!?!”

My eyes were popping out like that of a child in a sweet shop; there were explosions of colour and pattern in every corner, on every shelf, on every rail. Within seconds I had seen outfits for Monday through ’til Sunday; cute jumpers for the rainy days snuggled up reading, over sized Tees for picnics in the park and vintage style dresses for tea and cake. Once I’d finished mentally replenishing my wardrobe, I found so many things that I need that I didn’t know I needed – a giant tea pot planter!? a money box in the shape of a vintage camera?! How have I survived without these?! My word, this place was a scoop of quirky ice cream that I didn’t want to stop licking! Unfortunately I had to, as they were insistent that I couldn’t move in 😦 but I went straight home and checked out their website and blog.

If you want to stand out from the crowd, go loose your ThunderEgg virginity too!!!


Here are a few bits ‘n’ bobs that particularly caught my eye….

Me & Zena 'Women who draw too much' Heart Sharpener Necklace

Me & Zena

Lazy Oaf Let it Roll Crop T-shirt

Lazy Oaf

Alice Takes A Trip Husky Jumper

Alice Takes A Trip

Trollied Dolly Red Nautical Dress with Anchors

Trollied Dolly



And a little something for the crazy cat lady in me…

Don't Let the Cat Out Retro Hanging Sign

Puuuurrrrrfect 🙂